Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Oh Well

When we were walking in the Safelite store to pay for Spencer's new windshield I dropped my iphone and finally cracked it.  Oh the irony.

Yesterday at the gym my iphone flew off the treadmill when I tried to change a song on pandora and it cracked more.

Noah woke up at 5:30 am yesterday morning and this morning.  And not just for a bottle, full out I'm awake and ready to play.

Blitz got out yesterday morning because the wind blew our gate open.  At least David found her and stood in the 10 degree weather waiting for me while I bundled up Noah and put him in his carseat.

It's too cold to run outside.  Treadmills for 4 miles are boring.

It's been one of those weeks.

But I do have good coffee at the house and lots of fresh veggies and fruit and lots of mom dates planned and Noah fell asleep in my lap while I rocked him this morning.  He's pretty cute.

The plan is to try and keep him up till 8 pm tonight so hopefully he'll sleep past six!! Fingers crossed!!!

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