Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Still waiting . . . and random motherly comments from the construction loan lady

So we're still waiting on the appraisal. Apparently they're supposed to have it done by Thursday and then it will be definite crunch time to get it done by the 8th when we're supposed to close. In the meantime random comments from the lady we're working with to get approved for a construction loan:

Wow, are you sure you know what you're doing?

Does it need a new roof?
Me: No.
Who told you that? You're mother?!
Me: No. We had three (competent ~ okay that part was only in my head) contractors look at it and they all said the roof was fine.

Man i see this and I think you're crazy. My husband would probably see it and think potential!

Who's going to clean out the attic?

What about the random exposed wires in the basement? (okay confession, i didn't actually know there were wires down there because I haven't explored the basement yet considering there is no electricity and there's no telling what is down there! but the contractors walked through it . . . and i've decided to trust them ;) ha)

Oh and if you're going to hang a porch swing make sure you hang it from an attic beam. (okay this is just completely random! we never talked about this at all with her)

I just got your driver's license pictures and you guys are babies!! (wow I love the vibe of confidence I get from her)

Hmm i can't think of any more right now but I probably will later. The funny thing is regardless of all her comments she's still approving us for the loan :). So the random questions aren't really phasing me, they just make me laugh!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Waiting . . .

Okay not much to post right now. We're waiting on the bank to straighten out what information they need on the appraisal. Apparently everyone is confused by what we're trying to do! I'll just let the bankers work there magic and in the meantime keep dreaming about a new kitchen! On a side note, Tulsa set a new record yesterday! Random trivia: Yesterday Tulsa got 4.42 inches of rain (yes and lots of flooded streets); the last time the record was set was in 1902 and Tulsa got only a measly 3.5 inches of rain! Okay that's all, really I just like sweet thunderstorms.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Countering (aka Being Penny Pinchers)

Alright so we heard back from the bank yesterday and now we're just going back and forth on price a little. They dropped quite a bit off the price though, so looks like we'll be getting an even better deal! Bring on the paperwork!

Last night we got some shrubs to plant in pots, just to get ahead on our landscaping :).

Edit: They accepted our counter! Time to get to work!

Oh and it looks like we'll be throwing a "before" and "after" party. We'll keep you posted on when the "before" party will be. It'll probably be a little shorter than the "after" party considering we're not sure the toilet even works, maybe we'll rent an outhouse ;).

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Making an offer!!!

Okay so we decided to make an offer on the house! We should get our paperwork to the seller (Bank of Oklahoma since it's a foreclosure) by tomorrow morning! We'll see what they say!