Thursday, November 26, 2009

No More Walls!!!

All our walls in the trash! (This is the second dumpster they've filled full of plaster and lathe and old wallpaper!!)

Our back room! No more red linoleum! Bring on the breakfast nook.
Looking from one of the bedrooms, through the hallway, into the kitchen!

Looking through the bathroom and the bedroom into the back room.

Front room, soon to be the home of a new window! Bring on the new electric and HVAC!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Mini Updated

Okay just so you don't freak out with the lack of posting over the past week, I thought I'd give everyone a little piece of mind :). They've just been ripping out walls and ceilings all week long! The rubble all kind of looks the same so I didn't think you'd want to see endless pics of nails and plaster and dry wall on top of plaster and waynes coating on top of dry wall on top of plaster and fifteen layers of wallpaper. Okay that might be a bit of an exaggeration.

Right now we're still ironing out the kitchen details. I met with a guy from Kitchen Designs by Jim Thompson and he's going to go over a plan with me on Monday. We'll see if I like him enough to pay him to do the kitchen (which yes our contractor is okay with). Apparently alot of cabinet makers shut down over the holidays so it looks like we need to get the cabinets ordered asap! Alright I'll try and post more pics next week. Hopefully they'll start the electric then!

Ha just for fun. Enjoying our rent house while we can:

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tornado in the Hell House?!

Ah so today a tornado went through our house!

But wait we're still smiling! Is that our bathroom in the background?

Spencer behind bars in our living room! Yep that's the front door in the background.

Check out the original wiring in the house! And yes this picture is rotated, I'm having issues right now turning it right side up :). The wires were just wrapped in cloth and then when they had to go through wood, they went through ceramic nobs to make sure no sparks hit the wood. Notice how all the lights are on it the house! Too bad we have to take out perfectly functional electric!

Looking into the living room for one of the bedrooms! We're still trying to figure out what the strange pipe is between the frames, any ideas?
And yes last but not least umm entertaining, the lovely bathroom! Good by fake tile walls!

Alright on to more kitchen planning. I'm almost done sketching my plan, I'll scan it in once I'm finished!
Here you go:

Thursday, November 5, 2009


So the contractor started! I think i'll just the let pictures speak for themselves.

The kitchen!!!!

So my goal for the weekend: figure out what I want in the kitchen, besides walls of course :).