Saturday, July 30, 2011

And We're Back!

Okay so I promise I'll put up a bunch more pictures, but I still need to sort through them all and I still feel like I'm living on Zurich time right now, so it might get a little crazy if I try to write a long post now haha. So here's a shorty post :). Oh the other reason I'm feeling lazy is that when we got home last night, I sorted through all the mail to make sure we had no pressing bills and turns out the city wrote us up for our yard being messy!!! Apparently we needed to mow and get rid of trash and clean up poisin ivy?!! Anyway, just to be safe we spent most of the day so far cleaning up the yard in 100 degree weather. I talked to a neighbor about it, and he said it happened to him before, and he called about it and they pretty much said it's an idle threat. They had a 100 complaints in our neighborhood alone and there was no way they were going to come out and actually work on your yard and fine you for having too high of grass. Looks like we just had some not so friendly neighbor who thought we should be mowing while we were on vacation! Anyway enough on that!

So here are some of my favorite parts of vacation:

Staying in this really peaceful chalet on a mountain side in Leysin. The view really was as good as the pictures online showed. Too bad it rained so much!! The rain did make for a really peaceful week though. We did lots of reading and journaling and talking about life goals and watching old Bond 007 movies and cooking lots of yummy food oh and of course drinking dshot coffee and eating lots of chocolate oh and drinking wine and eating lots of chocolate. Haha basically we ate chocolate whenever we felt like it :).

Once we got to Interlaken (okay I know I'm skipping lots of details, these are just highlights for now haha), Spencer and I went parasailing!!! It was really amazing! The sun came out just in time for us to see the famout trio of snowcapped mountians, the Eiger, the Jungfrau, and the Monk peaking out of the clouds and the view from the air was spectacular! Running off a cliff into the air is pretty fun too :). Yes I know I might be crazy, but it was probably my favorite part of the trip!Another great part of the trip?! These people went with us :).

Okay this doesn't really show anything in particular from the trip, I just liked this picture :) and yes it was cold enough that I had to wear my ski cap at least half of the trip!!! No 100 degrees and sunny in the alps!!

Okay so we had a really fun time, but it's also nice to be back in good old US of A where everyone speaks English, and I know what road signs mean, and ice is readily avialable and movies don't cost 30 bucks a ticket!!! (we paid over 60 bucks to see Harry Potter the finale in Zurich!!) and drinks don't cost 10 bucks a piece!! (we paid 20 bucks for an iced tea and a frap from starbucks!!!) and I don't have to worry about whether or not I'm going to get in trouble for getting on a train I don't have a ticket for (umm I'm pretty sure we did that a few times in Italy, not to all fellow travelers, the Italian public transport cannot hold a candle to the Swiss one)! Home is pretty nice :). And so is our little dog, okay okay I know she's not little but I love her.

Alright off to do some laundry!

Sunday, July 10, 2011


We leave in less than a week!!! Let the countdown begin. Okay who am I kidding we've been counting down for at least a month now :). I keep thinking someone is going to call me and say, you can't go on this trip, who are you kidding you're too young to go by yourself HAHA. As if I haven't already traveled half way across the world by myself before! Maybe I'm just nervous because I'm so looking forward to it that I really hope something doesn't happen to ruin it because I'll probably just start balling in the airport if they won't let me get on the plane haha.

Only a couple things left on the to do list like:

- don't forget contacts
- leave numbers of hotels we are staying at with our housesitter and the fam
- don't forget dshot coffee (don't worry we already bought it, and a grinder to take along, I know we are full out snobs on this point ;) ha)
- book one more place to stay in interlaken
- drop off our sad little crushed car at the repair shop
- decide what books to bring!!

Okay that last one is the hardest! I always end up with ten books that I want to read and I really think I'll read them all so I pack them all and hate myself as I'm lugging them through the airport and then I end up reading maybe two of them. But it's better than having no books :). So I'm thinking I'll limit myself to four books this trip. One useful book, two fun books, and the Bible. Maybe I'll actually get through all of those :) well I probably won't read the whole Bible, but you know what I mean!

Alrighty I'm off to make homemade pizza and hang out with my little sister, woo hoo!!

Oh and update, insanity is crazy. My legs hurt everyday! Even after the once a week day off they still hurt! And every time we do a video I feel like I'm going to die at least once and our floor has more sweat on it than I would like to admit. Hahah TMI. But I think it will be worth it, verdict still to come . . .