Friday, July 26, 2013

Stuck in the Middle

So I'm stuck somewhere between feeling really, really exhausted and being in a perpetual bad mood while at the same time feeling really blessed and thankful.

Tulsa had a crazy thunderstorm on Tuesday night.  80 mph wind gusts.  Tree limbs down everywhere. And around midnight we lost our electricity.  A super quiet and humid, sticky house does not a happy sleeping baby make or for that matter happy sleeping parents.  And so began the saga of the last three days.  On Wednesday I just sort of made due around town.  Let me just say trying to keep pumping while not having electricity is pretty miserable.  I definitely pumped in the gym handicapped bathroom while reading Self while the day care lady watched Noah.  After a quick work out (since I only had my usual hour to pump and work out and shower, which meant no shower happened) I hurried home to clean out the fridge and cart our food around town to try and save whatever we could. by stashing it in other people's fridges and freezers.  Then it was off to a lunch with coworkers that I figured why cancel, at least the restaurant is air conditioned.  Then it was off to a friend's house for an hour to feed Noah and pump.  Then it was across town to a hair cut, again I figured why cancel, they have air conditioning.  Then it was back to the friend's house for dinner and ice cream and almost falling asleep on their couch.  Then we headed to the Moore's to sleep in their air conditioning. End of day one.

I was really thankful for people who let us stash food in their fridge and for friends who let me come over just to pump and for friends who fed us dinner and for friends who let us sleep in their bedroom while they slept on the couch since we have a baby.  At the same time I was completely miserable by the time 7 am rolled around on Thursday. Noah didn't sleep well and so neither did we.  Maybe it's just that we were in the same room so I heard ever little noise but every 45 minutes or so between 3 and 7 Spencer or I was up checking on him.  Then Noah usually sleeps from 8 to 10 every morning in his swing, but since we have no power and no swing he only slept 45 minutes.  Enter a short jaunt over to Stillwater to the grandparent's house so we could be in the AC all day without having to drive all over town.  Again I was really thankful Spencer's parents live pretty close so they could hold him while I took a short nap and plus they fed me yummy Thai Cafe :).

Finally in the afternoon Spencer called to say our power was back on!!  I have never been so happy to do laundry and run the dishwasher in my life.  Noah's cloth diapers had been sitting in the house for a few days already before the power went out and they smelled awful! Even inside the supposedly odor trapping bag.  Even after washing them once they still smell nasty.  We definitely spent the night watching alot of episodes of New Girl and eating take out pizza.  Noah slept OK but still not great and then when we were getting up this morning the power went again. Just imagine me laying in bed feeling like crying while I watched the fan slow down and stop.  After throwing a major pity party I gathered all Noah's stuff in the car and a bunch of my stuff and headed to Spencer's work so I could pump in the bathroom there.  Sadness.  This is so, so tiring.  Then it was off to Topeca for a little pick me up and then to the gym.  Then I had to go get some of our food from a friend's fridge that now no longer had power either.  Again though I've been really thankful for help today.  Spencer's boss let me spend the afternoon sitting in her house, watching her cable, using her wifi, and letting Noah sleep on all the pillows in her room. Okay enough of this long saga.  Hopefully the power will be back on when Spencer heads home after work!!


1 comment:

  1. Oh geez! I didn't realize you guys lost power. That happened once when Darcy was little and I've never seen her freak out (got too hot) like that since. Needless to say we stayed in a hotel room. There is no place like home though. Hope everything is up and running including you! :)
