Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Paint is Coming!

Okay I know you are all waiting on pins and needles . . . and I just got my camera battery in the mail yesterday! Conveniently about an hour after I had gone to look at the house during my lunch break . . . so pictures will be coming shortly.

We are currently 10 days away from when we are supposed to close with the bank, we'll see what happens! They were supposed to prime yesterday and start painting trim today and then paint the walls tomorrow!! I can't wait to see if we like all the colors on the walls :).

And . . . we may be getting new neighbors!!! Kathryn and David are put an offer on a house in Owen Park yesterday! The party has just started :).


  1. Oh, what a fun neighborhood that will be. :) You guys are brave just slapping up the colors. Will they let you see a little of it painted up before they do whole rooms? I've put up a dozen samples now that I'm not happy with.

  2. o wow i know where i'm living if i ever move back!!!
