Thursday, February 17, 2011

Helllo From the Land of Extremes

So random trivia of the day, Tulsa has had a 90 degree temperature swing in the last week! -10 degrees (and this was real!! my car said -4 when I got in it last wednesday morning!!) to 80 degrees this afternoon. And let me tell you I am loving the balmy weather!! In fact I love it so much I haven't wanted to be on my computer to blog :).

But I'm excited today because I got these sweet green pillows, for a super good deal at target! So after two snow days of looking for pillows and coming up empty handed I finally found some when I was back at work last week taking a mini break from the world of petroleum engineering. Which by the way XEC stock hit 114 bucks! Okay you probably don't care but that just makes me smile :).

So on to the pillows, here you go. Except for maybe hanging something on the wall behind the chair, I'm done decorating the bedroom!! Woo hoo one year later and I have one room done, ha this is going to be a lifelong project I think :).

And no I don't only take pics of the dog, but somehow she always seems to be where I am haha!

Alright well I'm off to the StL this weekend to see Brooke and Travis and their cute kids and to see Alisha and my parents! And Rach at least I think ha we've both been last minute about this! And best part is I'm taking a half day so I'll get to drive through the sunshine listening to the Taylor Swift CD Spencer gave me for vday (he also got me tickets to her concert!!!). And yes I admit it I'm still 15 at heart, what can I say :).

Okay enjoy the sunshine and 80 degrees while it lasts!

1 comment:

  1. SO cute! Great job on the bedroom! I love what you did with the green accents on a more neutral/earth tone color palette!!

    I heard about the crazy temperature changes. Tulsa is so weird!
