Sunday, October 27, 2013

Sunday Afternoon

I feel like I have a bunch of random things going through my head right now - like a bunch of mini life updates haha.

It's beautiful outside right now.  After I had a mini freak out about winter coming and spent a few days in a depressed "I hate winter funk", I realized that between 90 degree sunshine and 30 degree gloominess there are quite a few glorious fall days in Oklahoma.  Seriously guys I want to say I hate winter, but I know that's a bit extreme.  That's how I feel most days in winter though.  One bright side of this working from home/staying at home mom thing is I actually can go running at 3 in the afternoon or sit out on my porch and play with Noah at 9 am and enjoy the few hours of sunlight that do exist in winter.

Okay honestly there are a lot of bright sides to the current set up.  Let's just say working 12 hours a week is pretty ideal.  Noah and I have settled into a nice little routine.  Most days I get up and feed Noah and we lay in bed with Spencer for a bit making faces and laughing at how ridiculous Noah can be.  First thing in the morning is his most smiley, animated time (sorry Spencer I think he got his mom's morning genes haha).  Then we get dressed, I eat some breakfast and then we head off to Topeca for a latte and to show off Noah's smiley face to the baristas.  They love him so much it's ridiculous.  And yes I wasn't kidding when I said I went back to work so I could get lattes everyday :).  After that it's Noah's naptime and I sit in my little home office in the back room and work away till he starts crying.  Then it's lunch time, another nap time/work time and then it's the gym or right now running at riverside since I'm trying to soak up every last hour of nice sunshine weather I can get.  

I ran my first 5k race this weekend since having Noah!  And honestly my first 5k race since senior year of high school.  It was slow, but I didn't stop to walk and I pulled out the I love running fast genes for the last 200 or so yards and beat a bunch of the other slowpokes right at the end :).  Also, I got a free lululemon jacket for running with Spencer's work, so honestly I would have done the run for the jacket but the sense of accomplishment was nice too haha.  I'm still no where near wanting to sign up for anything longer than a 5k but even that has been a long time coming so I'm a little proud of myself in case you can't tell ;).

We're installing the gate opener finally!  Spencer can stop parking his BMW on the street every night.  And we can stop having our beat up '91 Ford F150 be the only vehicle inside our nice fence haha.

Noah is hilarious.  He's starting rolling over in his crib during the night and the last few mornings when I go into get him he's been on his stomach pushing up like he's trying to learn upward dog or cobra.  Who am I kidding, he can already do it better than me.  Dang baby flexibility haha.  He's also getting more hair.  Still no verdict on whether or not it will be curly but it still looks pretty blonde.  He's also on to sweet potatoes which he loved (first was zucchini, then green beans and next on the list is avocado).

Okay well we're off to see Spencer's poppa and then the World Series game 4!!  I think this might be the night I cave and make nachos . . .  you can't go the whole post season without a nacho night!!!

Also, two and a half weeks till San Diego! And the beach!  And the most expensive but apparently awesome zoo every.  And hopefully cute coffee shops.  And an awesome fire place in the condo I found.  And hopefully a baby that decides he can quickly adjust to west coast time either that or those cute coffee shops better open at 5 am ;).

1 comment:

  1. I really want to see you before you leave for the West Coast! Also, you're so impressive and I want to run a 5k with you. I'm pretty sure that you'd beat my by quite a bit! LOVE
