Friday, September 6, 2013

Well, Well, Well Lookie Here

I did it.  I stopped chickening out (after lots of pep talks - you know who you are, thanks) and asked my work about doing part time from home.

And I'm starting Monday.  Nothing huge, just 10 to 15 hours a week but I am pumped!! And a little bit overwhelmed which is making me laugh because this is exactly what my ideal situation was in my head.   But, after having almost four months of a very unpredictable schedule or no schedule at all the idea of having a set schedule for a lot of the week is a bit intimidating. Who am I kidding though? I've been getting so stir crazy and basically been making up a schedule in my head so that I don't go totally insane, so I think this will be perfect.  I'm sure there will be days Noah doesn't nap when I think he's going to or when I have something else that needs to be done and I end up doing an hour at night while Spencer follows his fantasy team or watches Netflix, but I think overall it will be really, really nice. Now I just need to finish painting the dining room, so I can put everything back up on the shelves and clean off the desk in the back room so I have a spot to focus. Side perk of this part time thing: I can get a few more lattes in the month :).

I went to a morning ladies' Bible study yesterday for the first time.  I think it's going to be really good for me.  Confession: I'm really not good at being in large groups of women.  I'm getting better, but I'm so used to the man filled world of engineering that I get a little overwhelmed by forty women and hundreds of kids (only slight exaggeration) and lots of talk about babies and lactating and baking and potty training and a parking lot of SUV's and minivans.  It's a whole new world that makes me want to run and hide sometimes.  But these ladies really love Jesus and they really love each other and me and that makes it seem way less scary.  Although I did throw a little mini fit in my head when they asked us to introduce ourselves, say who our husbands are and what they do.  (Yes Alisha that was for you haha).  After that it was tell the group two small joys you have (and we were not allowed to say our husbands, our kids or reading the Bible oh how I love you Bianca).  Can you guess mine?  Spencer got them :).

Lattes: check
Power yoga: check

If I could add a third it would be opening the giant sun roof and putting my "mom car" in sport mode and blazing people, but somehow that didn't seem appropriate for Bible study ;).  Yes I still do this with Noah in the car.

Speaking of power yoga, I'm off to try my first rock and roll yoga since having the little buddy!!  Hope I don't pass out . . .  :)

1 comment:

  1. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYyyyyy!!! SO excited for your part-time work arrangement!
    Bahaha and about the Bible study introduction question, you know me so well. I would've been throwing that fit right along with you. Actually, I might have gotten cantankerous enough to make a scene. I guess sometimes it's good I live in STL ;)
    I totally guessed the lattes... I was behind on the yoga though!
    Hopefully i will see you next weekend!
