Saturday, October 6, 2012

Bring on the Chilly Bumps

Yes Alisha that's for you :).

It feels like fall - like yesterday we had on our air conditioning, and today I'm kind of wishing the heat were on! Instead I'm just enjoying all things fall.  Like wearing my Uggs even though it's only 47 out and getting a new pair of boots! My old ones were pulling apart from the soles, and they only cost 19 dollars so I don't feel too bad about replacing them :).  And that was all before 11 this morning!  I also drank a lovely irish cream latte and about licked the cup it was so delicious, but since I was at an establishment instead of my house and I was with friends from work I refrained haha.  Then it was off to the post office and grocery store which stressed me out - too many people shopping on Saturdays!  So I headed home to finish baking some pumpkin snickerdoodles I had started last night.  Guys, these cookies are so, so yummy.  And now we're sitting watching football and eating cheezit duos while Spencer waits for the dough to rise on a batch of homemade cinnamon roles.  I'd call that a pretty good saturday.  Ooo and we still have thai food to look forward to tonight at Libby's bday party!!  Man I am spoiled and apparently my life most definitely revolves around food :).  I guess there are worse things life could revolve around haha.

I really need to switch over my drawers so that they aren't full of shorts and tank tops, but right now the couch is feeling pretty good and looking at fall outfits on pinterest is calling my name.  Oh and I also started cleaning out the attic - that might have to get finished another day too ;).  I have for the record changed some of my candles from coastal se blue to a fall cinnamon color.  That's about as far as I've gotten in saying goodbye to summer.
Oh and I almost forgot GO CARDS!!!! :)


  1. it's good to see the awesome term 'chilly bumps' finally get the love and respect it deserves... hahahaha!
    yes, Go Cards, there are fireworks going on as I type!

  2. There is frost on the cars this morning. Brrr.
