Friday, July 2, 2010

Staying Home!

Alright so this weekend we are not going anywhere! Okay maybe to the farmer's market and some places around town, but we are staying here. I like running all over the place seeing people, but we have a ton of house and yard work to catch up on from all the traveling, so we are staying put. Goal for the weekend: turn our yard into a japenese garden paradise. haha that is so not going to happen in a weekend, but maybe i'll get the back patio cleared off!

Also, Germany plays tomorrow morning, so we had to be free for that :). I think we're going to hit up fifteenth street, get some coffee, get some veggies for the week and then head back and make a yummy breakfast to eat while we watch the game!

So this was a pretty good week. We got to have dinner with Dave and Mallory and Libby and Gregg and catch up on graduate school life and on moving and all that good stuff. Oh and to talk about how we are all definitely NOT ready for babies yet. I knew I liked these people :).

Played some soccer, road some bikes after eating qdoba (which for the record I am NEVER doing again, it seriously felt like I had gained 50 pounds), sat at fifteenth street and soaked up the sun while thinking and praying about life and about the people I care about. I think I should do more of these leisurely think times. It takes awhile for me to just slow down enough to process what is happening around me. Not sure if that makes any sense.


  1. o my word that makes no sense!?!?!? haha just kidding i'm just being ridiculous. i think slowing down & thinking is a great plan. glad it was a good week and man i wish i could watch the germany game with you!

  2. and what's with the japanese garden? i can't wait to see that, sounds cool. are you going to put a koi pool in and have willows and stuff?
