Alright so I decided it was time to post some yard pics. If you start getting annoyed by how good our garden looks, just keep scrolling down :). I cannot grow rosemary. It hates me, I've already killed like three rosemary plants and all the farmer's market guy had to say was, well rosemary is hard to grow from seed. Oh really? I didn't know.

My rose bush is blooming again! I went and cut off all the dead heads so that it would have the energy it needed to bloom again and it worked! I have five or six roses on my bush. They look almost as good as the ones that were on it when I bought it haha.

Our lovely cherry tomatoes getting ready to turn orange, at least I think I picked out an orange plant haha.

Bell peppers here we come! Okay I don't even really like bell peppers, but Spencer does and they make things look more colorful so I can live with them :). Plus my other peppers haven't set yet so maybe bell peppers will become my favorite kind of pepper . . . maybe.

This is supposed to show you how tall our tomatoes are!! They are a little out of control!

And my dead rosemary. Ha. So maybe I'm just lucky with all my other plants and really have no gardening skills. I guess it is to be determined :).

Alright moving indoors! My lovely birthday shelf. Okay I know if needs more things on it, I'm just happy about it :). I did manage to find some fun baskets at Ikea and I'm displaying all the bday and anniversary cards we got.

And a present from two of my favorite people! Alisha painted me this lovely painting for my bday and one day when I came home from hanging out with work friends, Spencer had made this cool frame from an old window. So cool! Oh and we finally found out our bed is going to be here July 13th. Yep 1 to 3 weeks shipping turned into 3 month shipping. Good thing I'm so patient :).
Okay on a completely different note. This weekend in Iowa we were scrap booking and my mom had brought this picture to put in an album for my grandma. If Peter is ever a famous indie rocker this will be his album cover:

Rachael said she thought I had punched her right before the picture or won the lottery and punched her too considering how ridiculously smug I look. I guess I was developing my conquering skills for later in life haha. Anyway we decided to reenact the picture this weekend and here you go: the new and "improved" family photo. And yes Will and Spencer are gma and gpa standins.
Ah I love my siblings. And apparently I love lording things over Rach's head. Sorry middle sis. I love you. And I will always enjoy sharing life with you, especially moments like this one haha.
Nice photos!! I am so glad you reenact that one. You guys have many great ones of when you were little. Hopefully I can do as good as your parents did with that. :) (Oh, still no #2, just always have to add that in there now.)
ReplyDeleteAh, lovely painting and cool frame. I love that last pic. Hilarious.
ReplyDeletebahaha i love the reenactment... wonder how your gma feels about being portrayed by a guy? ha.
ReplyDeleteand that frame makes the picture 300% more artistic.