Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Family Time

So this weekend my parents are coming! We finally have a spare bedroom that is mostly set up (notice I did not say decorated haha), so visitors don't have to sleep on a twin bed or on the floor :). So whenever you want to come visit just give me a ring and you can come eat our cherry tomatoes and peppers and sleep on a comfy bed. And if you are lucky Spencer might even make you one of his delicious margaritas :).

On another note, I've been reading this book called Culture Making. I'd recommend it to anyone out of college who feels confused about what the heck you're supposed to be doing with life. Disclaimer: it does not tell you what to do with your life, but hey was I really expecting that? (Okay I was wishing it would tell me but I should have known better haha). It does go through a lot of really good points though. I need to think about it more, but one thing that really stood out to me were his comments on Mother Teresa. Throughout the book he contrasts Princess Di with Mother Teresa, talking about the different effect they had on the world. He basically asks the question why are trying so hard to be Princess Di when it's virtually impossible for us to be her and why are we not trying to be Mother Teresa when we can all go and serve people around us who are powerless and need the gospel. Anyway you get this rosy picture of Mother Teresa and start feeling bad you aren't more like her and then at the very end he shows excerpts from her writings that show she struggled with feeling like God was with her personally for large portions of her life. So even Mother Teresa had calling issues. She saw the great poverty of the world and sometimes wondered if God was real and if she was doing the right thing with her time. I needed that reminder. Calling is a grace. It takes discipline, it takes prayer, it takes asking good friends questions about your gifts and talents, but in the end your calling is a gift from God. And I need to be patient and wait to see what it is God wants us to do be doing with our lives. Alright enough literary thoughts for the day :).

1 comment:

  1. You inspire me. Seriously, this post was extremely helpful today. I'm going to reblog part of it fyi.

    And oh gosh yes my beer is motivation to visit, obviously! I'll be there just as soon as I can ;)
