Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Me Being Patient HA

Okay so this is a story of my little rose bush and how I am really not good at being patient, good thing God is good at being patient and good thing he is the one who really makes the flowers grow.

Okay so you might remember I bought this really pretty small rose bush from a garden show in Tulsa earlier in the spring. I dug a big hole and put in the different kinds of dirt the rose guru from the show recommended and mulched it and then watched the pretty roses that were on it when I bought it die. Which okay I knew this was going to happen but it was still really depressing.

Lovely rose bush when I bought it:

So then I thought I sucked at gardening and I was whining all about how it was ugly and not going to grow and blah blah blah you get the idea :). Well Spencer kept watering it and occasionally I would water it too :). And I gave it root setting food for a few weeks like the guru had said. And eventually it got some new buds on it! And of course it bloomed while we were on vacation so again I whined haha seeing the pattern?

The rose after it got its first few blooms:

And then we kept watering it during the rest of June and July and I went out every once in awhile and cut off the dead blooms so it would have more energy to grow. And now look at it!!!

It has a bunch of pretty white blooms all over it and they smell awesome!! And pretty much all I did was add a little water, cut some dead blooms, and live in Oklahoma where it's sunny every day and 105 degrees out. Apparently roses love that :).

1 comment:

  1. YES! Jenny, ha, this is incredible. You are actually a pretty fantastic story teller. I can not wait to see these!!
