Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Do you ever have those moments when you pray something totally random?  Like you barely even realize you're doing it and then feel a little silly?  Okay maybe it's just me but I had one of those moments yesterday.  I was headed to topeca for some caffeine and to get out of the house for a few minutes and I realized I had no change for the parking meters.  Like all I could find after scrounging around for five minutes was one dime and a bunch of pennies.  So I was trying to figure out if I should put a $1 charge on my card or just risk it and maybe get a ticket or if I should go to the ATM and get some money or just skip the coffee.  I had this fleeting prayer go through my mind, God please let there be money still on this meter.

So I got out of my car with my credit card just in case and got Noah out of the car and the meter maid was there.  So much for risking it.  But then she said oh don't worry about walking down to the meter, it's out of order.  You're good.

Seriously?  My odd prayer was answered :).  I got coffee, I didn't have to pay for parking, and I got to talk to people other than Noah in silly short phrases like look I'm eating a strawberry and now I'm washing dishes and oh look you're smiling even though I'm saying man I really wish you'd sleep longer at night I'm getting sort of annoyed . . .

Although actually last night he slept almost five hours straight.  And then I fed him for five minutes, gave him his nookie, and he slept another hour.  Maybe this sleep training thing is going to work . . .

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