Friday, June 14, 2013


I turned 27 yesterday.

Spencer and I have been married five years as of this afternoon.

Noah will be one month old as of 9:25 pm tonight.

It's a bit much to process for this tired brain, but I know I am extremely blessed.  I have a wonderful, loving husband who also likes being Noah's dad and who reminds me that no one else could be better suited to be Noah's mom even though I get tired and discouraged.  I have many, many happy memories from the first five years of marriage.  It hasn't always been easy but I feel like I can honestly say it's just getting better and better.  We understand each other better and better.  It gets easier and easier to love each other without always second guessing everything.  Plus I mean we are just no longer 21 and 22 and that does wonders for enjoying married life ;).  Little Noah will definitely be a new challenge for us to work through (on? that makes him sound like a project . . .) in our marriage, but I think it will also make both of us more patient, more flexible, more loving and hopefully more creative.  It's going to take some creativity to figure out how to still have quality time and conversations together with the little munchkin along for the ride now!  But, like my mom and sister were reminding me today while I bemoaned feeling stuck between wanting a break from being Noah's mom and then feeling guilty while enjoying being away from him, it's important that I still enjoy being me in the midst of also loving Noah.  It's important that Spencer and I still nurture our marriage and it's a good thing for us to let our friends and family love us by watching Noah so we can recoop!  Good thing not all our friends and siblings have their own posses of kids yet haha!  However I would never say no to cousins or some neighborhood friends for our little guy ;). NO PRESSURE.  

He is pretty cute.  Even if he is crazy squirmy!  So much for a cute sleeping picture for his one month shot.  The lactation consultant who I saw yesterday said man this little guy has a temper after watching Noah throw a fit when he didn't get to eat immediately when he woke up from his nap hungry and I just laughed and said it's only fair.  His mom has one too ;).  And also she's ornery and doesn't like to sit still pretty much ever, so I'm pretty sure an active little guy is just what I should have expected.  Now if we could just get him to like sleep as much as much as his parents!!  Maybe that will be the month two goal ;).

Here's to month 2 of Noah's life.  And year six of marriage.  And year 28 of life.  It's going to be interesting but I'm pretty sure I'll look back and think, wow that was one amazing year.

Also, I'm now trying to convince my parents and siblings they should also come to Ireland.  Thanksgiving 2013 in Ireland! And no mom it's not pretentious to tell people you're going to Ireland for Thanksgiving.  I mean they don't even have Thanksgiving there, so no biggie.  Now I'm dreaming of fish and chips and Guinness instead of turkey and mashed potatoes.  And also of six people who could watch Noah for a night if we needed a date night haha.

1 comment:

  1. Ireland for Thanksgiving! That sounds amazing. Congrats on all your milestones. It's kind of heavy and exciting at the same time, I think.

    PS, about the Spritual Midwifery book - I love that they all make out with their husbands during labor. Did you two do that? :)Haha.
