Saturday, June 8, 2013

Just For Fun

Well I'm on day three of pumping every two hours.  Well except for the midnight feeding which Spencer takes, so I can get at least one four hour chunk of sleep.  Enough on that though.  It doesn't really help to think about it all day long, so instead I've been trying to enjoy the little guy when he's awake and enjoy the time to organize the house and to drink lots of topeca lattes while he's zonked out. Which actually now that he's getting enough food every time we feed him, he's a pretty good sleeper!   Also, I've been enjoying lots of time hanging out with all the people that offer to come over and hold him while I pump if he's decide to not be asleep when I need him to be ;).  I've had lots of good talks in the last few days.  Granted they are a little disjointed, but still lots of catching up on conversations with people I've missed!

Here's some fun we've been having:

First real bath!  His cord fell off pretty fast but then he also had to heal from the circumcision (poor little guy!) but everything is all good to go now so we are on to real baths!  Obviously he thought it was awesome.  Oh wait maybe it was just us watching him squirm that was awesome :).

For the record, real bath number two was much more calm and he seemed to be enjoying it - until we got baby soap in his eyes haha.  You get better at this parenting thing right? :)

First trip to topeca!  Haha yeah right, that was like on day two, or whatever day I was capable of moving from the couch to the car and from the car to the counter at topeca and back again.  I've pretty much been every day still.  I guess the bad habit of buying 4 dollar lattes every day is going to have to wait to be broken until after I'm back to sleeping more than three hours at a time!  He doesn't  seem to mind being there :).  And plus the baristas all think he is the most awesome thing ever and keep telling me over and over how much cuter he is than most newborns.  Even if they are just being nice it makes my day :).  Oh yes, and my awesome hair is compliments of Rachael.  I swear for four days straight she just held and fed Noah and did my hair over and over while we watched Project Runway and talked.  It was amazing.

Tummy time!  Plus latte of course.  For the record the two seconds before this he was happy as could be and then he tried to move and realized his head was too heavy.  Enter the face he's making below.  I know being a baby is such hard work!!

And last but not least, we've been spending plenty of time getting licked by Blitzy.  On the toes, on the arm, on the top of the head and yes at least once on the face.  It was bound to happen sometime right?!

Also, family and friends are awesome.  I've been so blessed by all the people that have stopped by to help or just to talk or brought us food or sent me texts saying they were praying for my milk (lovely that now my body is a topic of prayers haha) or called me just to check in or gone to lunch with me and dealt with my scatterbrainedness or my bailing last minute because I couldn't get Noah fed and myself pumped and out the door in a reasonable amount of time.  I've felt really loved.  I also feel like I have no idea where the last four weeks have gone.  Really?!! He'll be a month on Thursday.

Also, we'll have been married five years on Thursday.  Which I've decided that trumps Noah being a month old.  I mean I like him and I'm sure I'll take a cute pinterest inspired one month picture of him, but being married to Spencer five years?!! That takes the icing on the cake.  Or whatever that saying is. Like I said, thanks for dealing with my brain not working that well.

Also, The Happiest Baby on the Block is a pretty good book.  If you are in a crunch just skip to the appendices and read the top ten pieces of advice for parents.  It really helped me feel less crazy.  Here's some excerpts just for fun :)

"If you're a person who enjoyed being organized, on time, and having a spotless house, this new flexibility may require practice - and deep breathing.  But you may as well take it all with a sense of humor because the time has come when your milk will gush down the front of your favorite blouse and when your little darling will empty her diaper on your white sofa!  If you can throw away your to do list for a few months.  Accept that the clock on the wall has been temporarily transformed from a time management tool to a decoration."

And my favorite paragraph considering I've been feeling like everyone else likes Noah more than I do.  I know, I know I'm the one who's feeding him and changing his diaper and not sleeping, but still everyone else oohs and aws and I think you sure are cute but man you are a lot of work!!

"Another expectation that may not immediately materialize is loving your baby the moment you see her.  of course, many parents do fall instantly in love with their new infant; however one of the little told truths about becoming a parent is that many new moms and dads don't feel smitten right away.  It makes sense that falling in love might take a little time.  After all, few of us experience love at first sight.  Don't worry like the song says, 'You can't hurry love.'"

And on that note, time to heat up a bottle.  I've figured out if I can preemptively have the bottle ready when the three hour nap time is up everything goes so much smoother.  No trying to open the bottle, pour in formula, heat it up and bounce a screaming baby all at one time.  I'm learning!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Jenny, I'm so happy you have a book that talked to you about not being immediately in love with your baby. I felt so terrible that I felt that way with Riley. We were both mad at each other all the time. :) I was better friends with the following babies. :) Hang in there. It really is a short season.
