Remember when we bought our house and the front room looked like this? Yikes!

Okay so our contractor improved the space quite a bit and we've added some of our own homey and decorative touches, but it's still a big blank window wall. Don't mind Blitzy, she just really wanted to be in all my pictures :).

Here's from the other angle in case you forgot how big the wall really is!

So after talking about it a bunch and looking at a lot of ideas on Pinterest (okay that was mostly me, not Spencer; he was busy pinning pictures of guns haha) we decided to pull the plug and start working on a window seat book case combination. It'll be awhile till it's all finished up but here's the progress!
No thanks to me really. I was supposed to be helping but then I got distracted by vacuuming up wood chips blitz had chewed to bits and cleaning up dinner and then Alisha called and so pretty much all I did was measure one board. I know impressive :). I'll try to be more disciplined next time!
Looking forward to seeing the finished thing... maybe it'll be done when I get there in March?