Okay so his name's not Bob and I realize this is normally when you write New Year's resolution posts, but I need a little time to think through what is a reasonable number of resolutions for 365 days. I tend to make really ambitious lists that should be more like life time resolutions haha.
Back to Bob the Builder. When we bought our house we decided Spencer was going to redo the shed himself. Which was no small task. It had a caving in roof, rotting floor boards, no garage door, really old plumbing (including a really old nasty toilet!), not to mention lots of junk. Add to that a bunch of junk we dumped in there when we moved and you get one big mess! Or one big room for improvement, pun intended :).
First step: Demo. This was sometime last year (yes it's been a long process haha).

Oh and did I mention that in the meantime, everything that was too valuable to be left out in the shed without any locks or real doors and with sometimes gaping holes in the roof, was stashed in the back room! No sun room for me . . . at least for the time being!

Step Two: New roof! This was an on going process over the last year. Spencer enlisted the troops (translation: David, David, and some TU kids that like building things) and somehow they rebuilt the entire roof on the shed. They almost fell through the roof a few times when they were replacing major beams, but thankfully no major injuries!
Step three was the electricity. We dug a long trench for the house to the shed to save some moola but then we paid a guy to do the actual wiring, just to be save and under code.
Back to Bob the Builder. When we bought our house we decided Spencer was going to redo the shed himself. Which was no small task. It had a caving in roof, rotting floor boards, no garage door, really old plumbing (including a really old nasty toilet!), not to mention lots of junk. Add to that a bunch of junk we dumped in there when we moved and you get one big mess! Or one big room for improvement, pun intended :).
First step: Demo. This was sometime last year (yes it's been a long process haha).
Step four was laying concrete. Our bank friends, okay okay I'll call them our house reno friends, headed over to help Spencer lay the concrete himself so we could save a bunch of bucks on the installation.

Step five: dry wall! Spencer managed to get almost all the dry wall hung while I was in St. Louis running around down seeing my bestie from high school getting married, hanging with the fam, and seeing Alisha. I'm so amazed by the handyman I married! I had no idea! On campus TU apartments don't let you see the true skills of handymans ;).
He also put in a hand work desk and hung all the old cabinets that were originally in the kitchen when we bought the house. My next task when it's a little warmer out and once Spencer picks a manly color haha is to paint all the cabinets all a matching hue.
Next step, and possibly my favorite was a new garage door! I love it! We found a place in town that does carriage style overhead doors that we felt like matched the style of our house better than your typical metal garage door from Lowes. Technically a car can go in the garage, but with all the tools and wood inside it'd have to be a pretty bad weather forecast for us to move everything and move a car inside to safety ;).

Best part? The back room is almost all cleaned out! And I can start brainstorming about a sweet sun room. Now if only my giant dog's crate didn't take up most of the back room haha. Okay that's an exaggeration, but we are going to have to come up with a better solution for that if we want to enjoy that room all the time.
So in case you aren't already impressed, that isn't all my builder's been up to! He also installed speakers all throughout the house so that we can play music everywhere. Even out on the porch! And it can be controlled from our iphones. I know hello 2012, we are now officially Apple snobs. I asked Spencer what we'd do if we quit our jobs and couldn't afford to have iphones and he said we'll just walk in the living room and change the music from there. That made me feel a little less snobby, but only a little ;). Now all I have to do is wait till we can get a media console that actually holds all the equipment we now have. Right now we are looking a little college dorm roomish with electronics all over the place :).
Alright I'm off to pick up some fresh veggies and read more of Time's 2011 year end review. I have decided one resolution for 2012 is to be a little more informed about the world around me, especially since it's an election year! Hope you all had really restful breaks and aren't making too long of resolution lists. I'm trying not to think about the fact that my next day off is in May!!!
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