I know, I know I don't have to have resolutions, but I like having them! It gives me things to dream about and things to focus on and really let's be honest I like lists :). I have been thinking though that I probably need to focus more on life goals then on goals for the next 365 days. I mean come on 365 days is so limiting right? Haha okay I think I've just been realizing I'm not one those people that needs to make goals in order to accomplish anything. I might just need to set less goals for myself sometimes, unless I'm making goals like stop and smell the roses more often or ones like I saw in a boutique today: "keep calm and eat a cupcake" haha that one made me laugh.
Okay so in light of everything I've been thinking about here's my list (well the ones I feel like sharing with the world wide web haha):
- Read about business women or famous women who have kids. I know this is sort of random but I'd like to see how they balanced things or how they didn't balance things. What glass ceilings did they run into? Did they take time off to raise kids? What kind of education did they have? I'm intrigued :).
-Pray bigger things for myself and for those I care about. I want to dream bigger and pray about those dreams. I think I know some pretty awesome people who I think are going to do pretty amazings things with their lives. If nothing else having prayed about things in advance will help me see how God is working.
- Call or email my siblings more. Hint hint you can also call me more ;). I miss you guys! Maybe I'll start praying you all end up Okies haha.
- Say no to things so I can better enjoy the things I do say yes to. I know bad grammar and very vague. I'm still working on fleshing this one out. I want to enjoy walking my dog and going to the gym and cooking meals from things in our garden, not just see them as tasks to be completed.
- Plant a fruit tree or fruit bush. Probably blackberries.
-Go somewhere new. Maybe the northeast? See lighthouses?
-Keep going to the gym. Gotta keep one old standard in there :).
- And my favorite and probably most ridiculous: take catamaran sailing lessons! I want to be on the water more and since there is no beach anywhere near us, this is as close as I can get.
I've got a few more but they are secret haha.
I found a few pictures from Switzerland that just make me happy. So here are some of my favorite 2011 memories.
Happy New Years!
Mmmmmhmmmm aha mmmhmmm. I am making up some stuff in my head to fill in the blanks for your 'secret' resolutions, haha.
ReplyDeleteBut really, I think you should do all that stuff. And if you read about the career women/kid raising thing, let me know. Someday I hope to be trying to figure that one out too.
Great resolutions! I randomly got a magazine in the mail called "Working Mother." You should look into it. Looks like a good magazine that could help you with resolution 1!