Friday, November 25, 2011
Bring Thy Harvest Home
I saw my best friend from high school get married. She was glowing and it made me cry - more than once. So many good memories there.
I rode up to StL with another one of my good friends from high school and talked all about being married and trying to understand our husbands. Healing was happening between us, along with a major sugar high from all the now and laters I ate haha. I've got to stop eating a pound of sugar on every road trip!
I got to talk to Alisha face to face which always makes me smile, even if things are complicated. Lots of answered prayers there too.
This weekend my family is all here in Tulsa, eating lots of food, re-enacting the Flesch family singers, playing mario cart, and talking about life. Oh and drinking lots of wine and did I mention eating?! David and Kat were here too. And Spencer's parents. And our whiny little dog who just makes me smile. I just felt really surrounded by people I love (yes I know Blitzy is not a person haha).
And yet there are still confusing things going on. Undercurrents of stress and tiredness and sadness and overwhelmingness in it all. I'm not good at resting either, so that adds to the feeling of sadness I think when I finally pause and sit still for a day or two.
We sang "Come, Thee Thankful People Come" at church this past weekend, and I was laughing inside during the first verse because it's a little hokey to me, but by the final verse I could very much understand where the author was. Come Lord Jesus quickly come.
"Even so, Lord, quickly come, bring thy final harvest home; gather thou thy people in, free from sorrow, free from sin, there, forever purified, in thy presence to abide; come, with all thine angels, come, raise the glorious harvest home."
Saturday, October 1, 2011
The Joy of Driving
- pumpkin spice lattes
- my new found love of soups (haha yes mom I know you told me so, but I still don't like bean soup!!)
- the fact that our garden is still putting out tomatoes and jalapenos and basil and egg plant and even bell peppers! hopefully it wont' freeze before some of them are ready, or maybe i'll just find a recipe for fried green tomatoes :)
-getting to burn the chimnea and sit out on the porch
-wanting to take blitzy for walks again since it's finally nice out again and not 115 degrees haha
-and last but not least, getting to drive with the windows down and the sun roof open and blaring music without feeling totally ridiculous (because let's be honest I still do this when it's 95 out, it's just not nearly as enjoyable haha)
So what do you guys think? Any new found loves during the fall season?
Okay so most of you probably know this by now but we got a new car!!! Which takes the cruising around in the nice weather to a whole new level!! Check out Spencer's new car:
So you should all come visit us and we'll take you for a ride and buy you pumpkin spice lattes and umm make you soup :). Okay enough talk about pumpkin spice lattes I think I'm going to go get one and sit outside and read!
Monday, September 5, 2011
Sweet Relief
And today it is so beautiful outside I just want to sit on my front porch all day long and read. I think I might get pretty close to actually doing that :). I'm also making some banana muffins and I've got some red peppers and tomatos from the farmer's market I want to freeze, so it looks like I'll be periodically checking the oven in between my hours of reading and relaxing. I've just started (okay restarted) the Creative Class. It looks very interesting, but also very much like a college textbook, so we'll see how far I make it!
Do you ever feel like your brain is handicapped? Like you were designed to be able to process so much more than you actually can? Okay I know this is when you all go umm yeah duh the fall is a reality. I think it's just been really clear to me lately that my ability to process and to think through things and to dream is also crippled. I wish I had the energy and the knowledge to think through so many things and yet again my days are made up of limited hours and my brain is oh so limiting. Okay that's very abstract I know. Let's see if I can think of examples.
- I wish I had the time and energy and brain power to get a degree in city planning. I know random. But recently there have been lots of discussions about our neighborhood and how to build community and about pocket neighborhoods and minimizing the effect of cars and encouraging foot traffic and well basically I just wish I knew more about it all! Or at least had the time to learn about it.
- I wish I could understand people better. Understand what makes them upset, understand what makes them feel loved, what makes them laugh, how to help them be more creative, how to help them learn what their callings are in life (okay I wish I also knew all these things about myself haha).
- I wish I could cook healthy meals every day that would only take 5 minutes and no planning and that the food would magically grow in my garden haha.
Okay I know I'm longing for heaven. I think it's interesting how at different times in life you long for different parts of heaven. Sometimes you long for healing, sometimes for no more need, sometimes for no more sorrow, sometimes to see the people you love, and apparently right now I'm longing for a brain that isn't limited by the fall!
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Just One of Those Days
Anyway, so today I have been very worn out and let's just say it was one of those days. It started out fine with a nice trip to the farmers market to grab veggies so I can try out my new dehydrator! Yep yep spencer surprised me with a dehydrator :). So right now I'm trying out a zuchinni and squash chip recipe. I'll let you know how they turn out! Oh right back to one of those days, so we got home from the market and Spencer started carnitas for tonight and I started making a tomato soup recipe to eat sometime later this week (I'm finding I really like cooking on Saturdays; it's relaxing and it makes the rest of the week a little less crazy). So the soup was all done simmering and I went to put it in the blender to make it smooth and creamy and then it all started.
So I went to blend it and all the steam put pressure on the blender lid and even though I was holding it down boiling hot tomato soup went flying all over the kitchen, all over my arm, all over my clothes and well you get the picture. So after washing off my arm and icing it down and changing clothes and Spencer helping me wipe red paste off the walls and counter and floor, we went to try it again (this time with the soup being a little cooler). Spencer held down the lid and I turned on the blender. Disaster strikes again. The little plastic part in the middle of the blender lid fell down into the blender and before we could turn the blender off little chunks of plastic were all blended in with my soup. At this point I cried. Mostly because it all happened so fast and I had to unplug the blender to get it to stop and my soup was ruined and my arm was burned and my blender was broken and well yeah I just cried. So we tried to get all the plastic chunks out but apparently our blender works really well, even on plastic! There are tiny pieces all throughout my soup. So I bought a really fine strainer and hopefully I'll still be able to eat it!
Okay so then it was off to pedicures with my work buddies. That part was nice :). I got home a few hours later and found Spencer in the bathroom washing gasoline out of his eye. Yeah apparently he had been mowing the lawn and it shot a three foot stream of gasoline all over him and into his eye. Thankfully he got it rinsed out quick and it looks like no biggie. But still just add that too the list.
Then Spencer went out to finish mowing and I moved on to cleaning the house. I cleaned up the soup mess and put up the mail and threw Spencer's gasoline clothes in the wash. Yeah well 30 minutes later Spencer came back inside and yep did you guess it? I put his iphone through the wash. So yeah you guessed it I cried again. The verdict is still ou it's sitting in a bag of rice drying, we'll see if he'll move on to iphone number 3.
So yeah one of those days. Too many things gone wrong for a brain already exhausted. Tonight should be better. Carnitas with Dmac and Libby and Gregg :). And hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to each my zuchinni chips and my strained tomato soup haha.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
And We're Back!
So here are some of my favorite parts of vacation:
Staying in this really peaceful chalet on a mountain side in Leysin. The view really was as good as the pictures online showed. Too bad it rained so much!! The rain did make for a really peaceful week though. We did lots of reading and journaling and talking about life goals and watching old Bond 007 movies and cooking lots of yummy food oh and of course drinking dshot coffee and eating lots of chocolate oh and drinking wine and eating lots of chocolate. Haha basically we ate chocolate whenever we felt like it :).
Once we got to Interlaken (okay I know I'm skipping lots of details, these are just highlights for now haha), Spencer and I went parasailing!!! It was really amazing! The sun came out just in time for us to see the famout trio of snowcapped mountians, the Eiger, the Jungfrau, and the Monk peaking out of the clouds and the view from the air was spectacular! Running off a cliff into the air is pretty fun too :). Yes I know I might be crazy, but it was probably my favorite part of the trip!Another great part of the trip?! These people went with us :).
Okay this doesn't really show anything in particular from the trip, I just liked this picture :) and yes it was cold enough that I had to wear my ski cap at least half of the trip!!! No 100 degrees and sunny in the alps!!
Okay so we had a really fun time, but it's also nice to be back in good old US of A where everyone speaks English, and I know what road signs mean, and ice is readily avialable and movies don't cost 30 bucks a ticket!!! (we paid over 60 bucks to see Harry Potter the finale in Zurich!!) and drinks don't cost 10 bucks a piece!! (we paid 20 bucks for an iced tea and a frap from starbucks!!!) and I don't have to worry about whether or not I'm going to get in trouble for getting on a train I don't have a ticket for (umm I'm pretty sure we did that a few times in Italy, not to all fellow travelers, the Italian public transport cannot hold a candle to the Swiss one)! Home is pretty nice :). And so is our little dog, okay okay I know she's not little but I love her.
Alright off to do some laundry!
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Only a couple things left on the to do list like:
- don't forget contacts
- leave numbers of hotels we are staying at with our housesitter and the fam
- don't forget dshot coffee (don't worry we already bought it, and a grinder to take along, I know we are full out snobs on this point ;) ha)
- book one more place to stay in interlaken
- drop off our sad little crushed car at the repair shop
- decide what books to bring!!
Okay that last one is the hardest! I always end up with ten books that I want to read and I really think I'll read them all so I pack them all and hate myself as I'm lugging them through the airport and then I end up reading maybe two of them. But it's better than having no books :). So I'm thinking I'll limit myself to four books this trip. One useful book, two fun books, and the Bible. Maybe I'll actually get through all of those :) well I probably won't read the whole Bible, but you know what I mean!
Alrighty I'm off to make homemade pizza and hang out with my little sister, woo hoo!!
Oh and update, insanity is crazy. My legs hurt everyday! Even after the once a week day off they still hurt! And every time we do a video I feel like I'm going to die at least once and our floor has more sweat on it than I would like to admit. Hahah TMI. But I think it will be worth it, verdict still to come . . .
Sunday, June 26, 2011
A Little Time to Think
Then we also made a salad from our fresh lettuce and cucumbers.
Then we finished it off with some yummy fresh squash. Oh and some fish and scallops that were not from our garden :). Okay this is not a picture of the actual squash we ate, but you get the idea haha.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
The Tale of the Rabbit
On a happier note the 95 degree weather we've been getting early this year has been making our garden go crazy with happiness. Oh wait maybe I'm the one crazy with happiness when I see all these little healthy beauties growing in our yard haha. I'm sure if you had to grow your food for a living it would be much more stressful but I still think I would have loved to have lived 100 years ago and watch my food grow all spring and summer long. I guess I'll just expand my garden a little every year :).
We've got a whole bunch of squash:
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
A Little Memorial Day Rest
So we went up to the lake on Saturday evening but the whole place was booked! Instead we hit up Spencer's parents last minute for a place to crash and cook our camp food. It turned out to be really nice to just get to chill at their house and get to sleep in the airconditioning and shower, I know , I know we are whimpy :). It also meant in the morning we got to sit in the coffee shop and chill and read and then I got my bday present early after a spur of the moment to Best Buy to check out their sales!! Woo hoo Spencer got me a new digital camera so I can take lots of sweet pics of our trip to Switzerland. So I tried it out some this weekend :).
First on our babies haha chilling out in Spencer's parent's backyard.
And then on some lake shots. Haha chico george loved the water! He would start paddling before he even got to the water :).
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
A Little Work Frivolity
A few weeks ago I was sitting in a meeting and we started talking about how my team had gone down to visit the Chevron offices in Houston and while they were down there they ran into someone really interesting in the elevator: a stretch instructor. Yep a paid Chevron employee whose job is to go around to the different groups and lead stretching exercises during breaks to make sure everyone is relaxed and not too stressed out.
So I was telling them how when I worked at Chevron we had this little face in the bottom of our computer screen that was supposed to keep you ergonomically in check. It would tell you take breaks from your computer and if you didn't take them the face would slowly change from a happy green face to an angry red face and if you didn't take a break for four hours it would lock you out of your computer. So then my boss's boss, TJ, jokingly said I should lead a stretching routine at our mid year conference for all the technical staff (read 160 men over age 40). So we laughed about it and I said yeah sure I'll do it.
Fast forward to yesterday to another meeting (yes we are in a lot of meetings).
TJ: So do you have your yoga mat ready for the meeting tomorrow?
Me: Oh yeah I've been practicing my routine.
TJ: So are you going to wear sweats to the meting?
Me: Umm what would you do if I actually wore sweats to the meeting? (It's supposed to be business casual).
TJ: Try me.
Me: Oh really okay I will.
Okay I know I probably shouldn't be this ridiculous with my boss's boss but it was pretty funny. So I left the meeting and decided after talking to my office buddy that I should get sweat bands with the Cimarex logo on them just in case he really did try to get me to do the stretching routine in front of everyone.
I get to the meeting this morning, and here's what my agenda looks like:
Okay enough of work craziness. On another note we have some baby tomatos coming in!!!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
New Year's Resolution Half Way Done
So July 16th through 29th we'll be partying it up in Switzerland. I'm so excited!! Anybody want to house sit? And eat all the produce that will be conveniently ready while we are gone? :)
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Spring Planting Festival
Monday, March 28, 2011
Mini Update
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Chillaxin' in the Sun
Okay so first the unorganized before pictures. And yes I know having the bed unmade makes it look so much worse but I like the effect :).
Definitely need to organize that bookshelf . . .
And that desk . . . and find somewhere else to store those guitars!
Okay so this dresser was what inspired me to get to work! I thought it would look cool painted some fun color . . .
So here you go! Okay the lighting is really bad in this, but it's a fun dark green. And yes I know I need to finish the top two drawers :). Apparently we didn't sand the varnish well enough on those drawers and the paint just came right off!
And another step towards making it look brighter in there. Some lovely white curtains :).
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
And Spencer is giving up angry birds on his iphone. Not sure which one of us will be more miserable :).
Sunday, March 6, 2011
My lovely to be thrown away/ dumped pile:
So after telling me about 3/4 of my current clothes had to go - okay maybe that's an exaggeration but not quite ha I told you I needed help - we picked up Natalie and Kathryn for more help and moral support and headed out to the stores! 6 hours later after countless outfit trials, multiple snack trips, and plenty of moments of feeling completely ridiculous in girly outfits (which I did take home by the way, they swore they made me look awesome so we'll see haha) I headed home with a new wardrobe!! Okay most of a new wardrobe :). Round two is still in the works to look for dress pants, black shoes, and accesories oh and maybe a nice dress for the 11 weddings we have this summer!! So umm Alisha whenever you decide to visit me we can go on round two ;).
Check it out!! I think this is more shoes than I normally own at one time, let alone buy at one time! And believe me without my wonderful fashionistas I would not have bought silver tennis shoes or mustard flats or really probably any of these besides the brown flats haha.
So yes I did buy other things besides shoes :). Ha be prepared for some awful clothes pics. I wasn't going to put them all on again and apparently I'm really bad at staging haha. And these are by no means all the things I got, I just got tired of taking pictures and figured you have better things to do than read this all day long haha.
So I got lots of cute dressy tops like this!
And this!
And a cute jean skirt! With about a million different colors of cardigans. Literally a million okay maybe literally seven. I think I got blue, purple, two shades of green, and a peachy pink one. Oh and they made me get a lacey top I wasn't sure about! But I wore it to church and got lots of compliments so looks like they knew what they were talking about :).
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Helllo From the Land of Extremes
And no I don't only take pics of the dog, but somehow she always seems to be where I am haha!
Alright well I'm off to the StL this weekend to see Brooke and Travis and their cute kids and to see Alisha and my parents! And Rach at least I think ha we've both been last minute about this! And best part is I'm taking a half day so I'll get to drive through the sunshine listening to the Taylor Swift CD Spencer gave me for vday (he also got me tickets to her concert!!!). And yes I admit it I'm still 15 at heart, what can I say :).
Okay enjoy the sunshine and 80 degrees while it lasts!
Friday, February 4, 2011
Snow day number 4!!
So, so far here's what I've managed to do the last couple of days:
- do laundry
-do dishes (my gosh you make a lot of dishes dirty when you can't leave the house!!)
-unthaw the kitchen pipes with a hair dryer (okay really Spencer did this 2 1/2 times and I did it 1/2 a time haha I was too short to reach the place where it was frozen in the basement
-do taxes
-walk the dog three times, once to QT to get essentials like DP and chips and candy haha -find Blitzy a dog training class
-read a book on poverty in the inner city
-did Bible study for Monday night
-did a workout while watching HGTV haha (I had to keep myself occupied!!)
-watched a bunch of bones episodes
-cleaned the kitchen
-worked on a plan for a trip to Switzerland this summer!!
-shopped for decorative pillows (unsuccessfully!!)
-did a little baking (but now I'm out of butter)
-tried not to go completely crazy!!
-checked a bunch of blog posts on house stuff, which isn't very interesting when you are snowed in with no supplies and no way to go shopping! well except for online which I decided I already despise.
-hung out with the Moores :). It has seriously made it so much more bearable to be snowed in because we just walk over to their house and hang out with them and make margaritas and play life and watch more bones and eat tacos haha sounds like what we normally do with them
So basically I'm about out of ideas for what to do with myself. I think I'm going to do a little more reading, do another workout, email Alisha and umm walk the dog again :). Wish me luck!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Snow Day Number Two!
Besides the fact that I'm not sure when we'll be able to dig ourselves out, it has actually been really relaxing and really beautiful. I took Blitzy for a walk this morning and it was just breathtaking. Everything was clean and bright and the air just smelled fresh and clear if that makes any sense at all. Ha there's a reason I wasn't a poet :). I think I'll just shut up and let the pictures do the talking.
Snow Dog!! And yes I know she's not a leash, but really how far is she going to go? :)