Ha the pun in the title is making me laugh to myself. Okay so this Friday night we were driving home from wedding number six I think (I'm starting to lose count!). We were cruising down 75 when all of a sudden a deer attacked our rabbit!! Spencer swerved to try and avoid it, but it still managed to run straight into the side of our poor little car, which now looks like this:

Thankfully neither of us were hurt, just more than a little shocked. Also thankfully we didn't hit anyone else or go flying off the road. So pretty much it could have been way worse. But still the whole side of our car is all smashed up!! And the front mirror is useless! We'll see what they estimate the damage too when we get it appraised later this week. It's totally drivable but it looks awful :( .
On a happier note the 95 degree weather we've been getting early this year has been making our garden go crazy with happiness. Oh wait maybe I'm the one crazy with happiness when I see all these little healthy beauties growing in our yard haha. I'm sure if you had to grow your food for a living it would be much more stressful but I still think I would have loved to have lived 100 years ago and watch my food grow all spring and summer long. I guess I'll just expand my garden a little every year :).
We've got a whole bunch of squash:

This baby I finally picked today and I can't wait to eat it!

We've got a bunch of cajun bell peppers that we think are ready to pick but no one is really sure haha. They definitely aren't the size of normal bell peppers but they don't look like they are getting any bigger either. So we'll probably be making some fresh salsa soon!! Woo hoo!!!

Well actually maybe not so soon. We had these lovely 3 almost ripe tomatoes growing in our beds and I was so excited to pick them today and get to try our first ripe produce. Well besides a few snap peas I've eaten for snacks haha. But then someone stole them!!!! One was stolen three nights ago and then the other two were gone when I went out to look at them this morning!!! Sadness and woah. I'm sure someone enjoyed them but I wanted it to be us!!

So I guess we'll be waiting till some of the others ones ripen to enjoy fresh salsa. Till then we'll be discussing security measures for the garden ;).
Edit: My faith in humanity is restored haha. Our neighbor picked them because he noticed one had split and ants were starting to get in it. He nicely brought them over yesterday afternoon along with some ribs and potato salad and a bunch of rib bones for Blitzy!! Man we have the nicest neighbors!!
OMG I'm so glad you guys are okay!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThat could have been way worse than it was!
Did you know I wrecked our car coming home from Matt's wedding? Except I ran into a tire. Which was in the middle of the road. And I could have avoided it, except. Well, I didn't. >.<.
Anyway, I'm so glad y'all are allright!
Wow, so glad you're ok, too! Last fall a deer attacked the passenger side of my housemate's car while we were on our way home--gross. Hope you can get it fixed ok!
ReplyDeleteCan't believe you all have tomatoes already! Ours are just starting to bloom. :o)