I forgot to tell all of you that we've moved to Montana. Ha just kidding, but you'd think I wasn't kidding if you could look out my window!! We've been officially snowed in for two days now and honestly I'm not sure when we'll be able to get the little VW rabbit out and about again. I think we got 18 inches of snow, not to mention all the drifting and the clearance on our car is umm about 6 inches. And Tulsa's road crews are nonexistent. I think maybe the highways have been cleared. We asked the neighbors about the last bad storm a few years ago and they said it was pretty much all there till it melted!!

Besides the fact that I'm not sure when we'll be able to dig ourselves out, it has actually been really relaxing and really beautiful. I took Blitzy for a walk this morning and it was just breathtaking. Everything was clean and bright and the air just smelled fresh and clear if that makes any sense at all. Ha there's a reason I wasn't a poet :). I think I'll just shut up and let the pictures do the talking.
Snow Dog!! And yes I know she's not a leash, but really how far is she going to go? :)

Our lovely buried house.

I couldn't resist :).

Okay so maybe she could get a ways away haha. She can fly through the snow like crazy!!

The handsome hubby in the twighlight last night.
I love the pictures! It's so pretty and snowy and sunny! It's still cloudy and snowing here... not very much, just little flakes. Glad you didn't really move to Montana :)