So, so far here's what I've managed to do the last couple of days:
- do laundry
-do dishes (my gosh you make a lot of dishes dirty when you can't leave the house!!)
-unthaw the kitchen pipes with a hair dryer (okay really Spencer did this 2 1/2 times and I did it 1/2 a time haha I was too short to reach the place where it was frozen in the basement
-do taxes
-walk the dog three times, once to QT to get essentials like DP and chips and candy haha -find Blitzy a dog training class
-read a book on poverty in the inner city
-did Bible study for Monday night
-did a workout while watching HGTV haha (I had to keep myself occupied!!)
-watched a bunch of bones episodes
-cleaned the kitchen
-worked on a plan for a trip to Switzerland this summer!!
-shopped for decorative pillows (unsuccessfully!!)
-did a little baking (but now I'm out of butter)
-tried not to go completely crazy!!
-checked a bunch of blog posts on house stuff, which isn't very interesting when you are snowed in with no supplies and no way to go shopping! well except for online which I decided I already despise.
-hung out with the Moores :). It has seriously made it so much more bearable to be snowed in because we just walk over to their house and hang out with them and make margaritas and play life and watch more bones and eat tacos haha sounds like what we normally do with them
So basically I'm about out of ideas for what to do with myself. I think I'm going to do a little more reading, do another workout, email Alisha and umm walk the dog again :). Wish me luck!
Who knew eighteen inches of snow could be so exciting?! *grin* At least Blitzy looks pretty happy with it. We just had ice, so the university was only closed for a day or so. School, school, school. ;o)