Okay if you didn't know me in junior high and high school this might seem ironic to you, but I pretty much lived at the library growing up. I did all the summer reading programs. I maxed out the fines on my cards, and I think I read every historical fiction in the young adult section along with a bunch of other stuff. So today I decided I needed to go to the library :). I was in an exploratory mood, and I didn't want to pay to get something from borders. So here you go, my new interests:
Salsa cookbooks - for all those peppers I have growing in our yard that I have NO idea what to do with
German history and travel - for that family history trip I'm going to take some day to Germany and Alsace Lorraine to see all the people that look just like me
Race riots in Tulsa - I'm wanting to learn more about what cultural issues are central to the history of Tulsa, not sure where this is going to lead, but I want to know better what has shaped the city I live in so hopefully I'll know where I can help to heal hurt, this is nebulous I know but I just searched through Tulsa history in the library and this book looked the least dry read
Apparently the library is also a place to pick up guys. Spencer was over reading about woodworking and this guy game up to me while I was looking for salsa recipe books and asked me what I was looking for. I told him and he said oh wow, man I want to try some of the salsa. A little odd but I just laughed and he went to the next row. Then he came back and asked what I did with the salsa, did I ever throw any parties? And could he come? I laughed it off again and gave no eye contact. He went away again and then the clencher, he came back and asked if I wanted to go get a drink or something. Wow. I have been hit on that badly umm ever I don't think. At that point I said, no can do. He said okay well I'll be over here if you change your mind, really?! Doesn't he know not to talk in the library?!?