Tuesday, January 14, 2014

We Made It!

We survived five days without Spencer.  It wasn't too bad, but I definitely packed it full of things to keep us distracted, and I was really glad to have him back.  Having a house to yourself after 7:30 pm is not the most relaxing.  I did a get a bunch of random things crossed off my to do list though.

I think Noah is teething or at least going through a "I think naps are dumb" stage.  They have nothing on crawling apparently.  Nothing on crawling and nothing on pulling up on things?!!! How is this already happening?  One thing still on my to do list is baby proofing.  Maybe I'll do that tonight considering Noah pulled a lamp cord out of the socket yesterday before I even realized what he was looking at!!

Also, Noah and I ran a 10k at riverside yesterday.  Okay Noah kicked his feet and enjoyed the sun and tried to throw his toy off the pedestrian bridge and I ran a 10k.  1:04 and 53 seconds.  I'm kind of proud of myself.  But I figured putting that on facebook would be annoying to all the other new moms out there.  So there you go my few good friends you get to see that New Year's resolution one is checked off!  Thanks to 60 degree weather in January, a happy baby, a funny podcast, map my run telling me my splits and cute old ladies smiling at Noah along the trail, oh and thanks to my legs that God gave me that are still working.  When I got tired I had this random thankful thought, thank you God that have legs that work well enough to run.  I know, odd :).

Time to quickly eat my salad and get to work on an awesome power point and hopefully Noah sleeps longer than 30 minutes this time . . . fingers crossed!!!


  1. Aw so proud of you for your 5 days of survival/10k survival. I'm glad you put it somewhere so I could celebrate it online, haha :)

  2. Wow, good job checking off new year's resolutions in January! I'm way impressed.

  3. Man, way to go running for an hour Jenny! I don't think I've ever done that. And good job getting by without Spencer! I would get so lonely and lose my mind!
