Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Flying Solo

Okay I guess it's not flying solo since Noah is along for the ride, but I didn't want to title my blog "Single Parenting" and freak everyone out :).  Spencer left this afternoon for a much needed guys ski trip to New Mexico.  At least I think still to New Mexico - the original destination was axed due to low snowfall.   So till Sunday evening I'm in charge of Noah all by my lonesome.  It doesn't seem like too big of a deal right now since I do stay with Noah every day of the week usually, but usually I also know that if I'm having a bad day or if Noah's been fussy or not napping or I've only gotten 15 minutes of work done at a time or haven't had time to take a shower, that Spencer will be home around 5:15 and can take a turn being on baby watch.  We'll see how it goes . . .

Today we passed the time by going to Topeca in the morning before Noah's morning nap, then going to Elotes with a work friend for lunch, then hitting up the gym after Noah's afternoon nap (yes my life pretty much revolves around his nap times, but really it's better for everyone if he consistently takes them haha), then back home for some dinner.  Noah had his peas and pears and then was still whining so I gave him two yum yum graham cracker things to chew on so I could enjoy my salad with fruit on it and my salmon, both things I only make sparingly when Spencer is home considering he doesn't really like fish and he picks the fruit off the salad and eats it separate :).  Then it was off to buy buy baby where I caved and bought a huge, bright colored, feng shui killing exersaucer because well, Noah loves them.  And he'll play in them for what seems like hours any time we are at a friend's house who has one. And I started having a mom guilt trip that I didn't get him one just because I wanted my living room to not look overrun by baby toys.  On that note, I got Spencer and I this "Q&A a day" book for Christmas where each day for a year you each answer a short prompt.  Then you repeat the questions for two more years so you have a three year journal of how your life is changing.  Cool, huh?! Sometimes they are silly like "when's the last time you laughed?" and sometimes they are deep like "who inspires you?".  Today's prompt is "What are you ready to release?".  I think I'm ready to release trying to make my house still look like no children live in it (with the exception of Noah's nursery of course!).  I think I'm ready for that . . . mostly because I'm pretty sure there is no way to keep all the baby stuff stored in nice baskets with lids all the time and why aim for something impossible?!  Maybe I'll just aim to keep our bedroom void of baby things, so that I can have one place to shut the door and feel a little organized peace.

Tomorrow we're off to Norman to see a friend and her cute little baby Thatcher who's just three weeks older than Noah.  Our goal is to teach Thatcher to crawl, oh and to not have Noah cry the whole way there or the whole way back.  I tried to get him the next size up of car seats tonight, but it was so much more expensive in Buy Buy Baby than online that I couldn't stomach it!

Okay I'm off to answer my "Q & A a day" prompt and then a little reading of In Defense of Food before I decide whether or not Blitz gets to sleep on the bed since Spencer is gone . . .

1 comment:

  1. Ha they could've relocated the trip to STL, it's still a hot powdery mess here. I'm sure it's good for skiing :) Flying solo sounds hard, that's a long time without a break! Wish I could teleport there. It's weird that N needs the next size up of car seat already. Yikes.
