Okay first off, this one isn't really in chronological order but it's the most exciting so I'm putting it first :). We got a piano!!!!!!!!! Okay so it isn't ours permanently, but Tim had it in storage and had no where to put it in his apartment, so we gladly agreed to store it in our house for him till he needs it later :). I'm so excited!!! I've been wanting a piano well since I left my house in St. Louis for TU, so a LONG time, but I haven't wanted to fork over the dollars for a new one and I haven't liked the cheapo ones I've seen at estates sales so this one is perfect! I love the color and it sounds beautiful even though it is old, which is just what I wanted. It has one sticky key, but hey it'll make it a little easier to give back someday, hopefully in a long time :). I'm rusty, but I'm so glad to get to have a piano to play! Now all I need to do is hit up a used bookstore and find and old hymn book :).

Okay so on a more productive note haha, Spencer and I have been working on the shed more. Okay he's done more than me, but I've been a little distracted with cleaning the house and entertaining the five girls who stayed with us this weekend for a high school friend's wedding! I did go to the dump with him to empty out the truck bed after we filled it full of old lathe and plaster that he ripped off the walls.

Wow he looks like he's having so much fun :). I think he's dreaming of his own workshop where he can leave everything out whenever he wants to and I'll never have to know haha. And of a door he can lock so no more lawn mowers and weed eaters get stolen!

Look familiar? Looks kind of like our house did a few months ago :). Man something about seeing the studs of a structure is just so fun! It's like seeing a glimpse that it can be made new and functional!

And yes we did move everything back in the shed so that we don't look so white trashy any more haha. Check out our lovely green grass haha.

Spencer's also been busy getting ready for our little puppy! So he started with this leftover cabinet from what was in our kitchen before we ripped it all out:
And after a little magic with the table saw, now we have this lovely little dog house!!! Okay we still need to put on cedar siding and put on shingles and I need to paint a little sign that says Blitzy but then it'll be ready for our little puppy :). Which by the way I think we finally get to see next weekend! I can't wait!

Okay last thing, yes I know we've been working hard lately :). A friend at work was getting rid of her TV cabinet for super cheap to make room for her big 42" screen TV that wouldn't fit in the new cabinet, ha I know rough life. So, we decided to take it off her hands and use it as a kind of entry way closet for now.
It needs some help though haha. So next on the house to do list is to figure out how to get a rod across the top of this for coats before the cold weather comes, figure out how to cover up the hole in the back that was cut out for the old TV and figure out some basket things for under the shelf for storage. Oh and figure out something to go on top of it. Whew looks like I have my work cut out for me :). Good thing I have the new piano to help me relax!!! Haha.

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