Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Fall ~ The Most Wonderful Time of the Year?

Okay so in Bible study this week we were supposed to say our favorite things about fall. I'm not really found of cold weather but I can appreciate some things about fall haha. So here's my list, which I might add to later when I have more time to think about it :).

Pumpking Spice Lattes with soy milk

Not sweating under our down comforter

Sleeping with the windows opening

Wanting to work in the yard because it's nice out

Hot coffee becoming a good idea again (okay I drink it hot all summer, but I get weird looks haha)

Pumpkin ale :)

For the record I still don't really like soup, but some kinds are growing on me

Oh and my awful one, people burning lots of natrual gas in their homes, gotta feel the industry love haha

Okay so what about you? This is an interactive post ;)


  1. Yes to all the things on your list that involved pumpkin. Plus, the trees change to beautiful colors.
    I like being able to wear boots and leggings (haha I know), sweaters, my birthday, chrysanthemums, not having to have my a/c on, bonfires, hot drinks, buying little decorative gourds/pumpkins... I think fall actually is my favorite time of the year.

  2. Lattes and sleeping with the windows open--woo hoo! Also chai lattes because they sort of taste like pumpkin ones with all the wonderful spices, and pumpkin bread and kicking through piles of leaves. How's the puppy doing? :o)

  3. crisp air, pomegranates, pumpkin pie, candy corn pumpkins, thinking about corn mazes, yes to not having the ac on!!...*reading evelyn's comment*--do you have your puppy then?? also, on soup: one thing i do not look forward to about fall is having to make soup at work. soup, in that context, carries with it a very very negative feeling. otherwise, it's okay :) oh, and drinking tea.

  4. you guys make me smile :)
    and we get the puppy a week from tomorrow!! I'll call you when we have her :)

  5. Well, it's spring here, so here are things I love about spring: sunshine coming back to Auckland, having the windows open again, cooking outside, sitting on our back deck, applying sunscreen, going to the park, going for walks, the trees and flowers blooming. Happy autumn!
