So we were supposed to have a new bath tub when we went today, but the plumber had some delays, and it isn't in yet! So those pictures will have to wait for next week, but in the mean time some more major updates (okay well some look some look like destruction, but I promise they're all part of our master plan, insert evil laugh).

With our strangely warm weather here in Tulsa the contractor duo (our contractors are father and son and they're just pretty funny) decided to start power washing the trim. We're going to be repainting it all, but first we had to get all the old grime off!

Goodbye ivy!! Our chimney was all covered in ivy, we thought we'd be tackling that beast on our own, but looks like this time we were saved!!

Make room for the new picture window! Okay so this is my favorite part of the front room. We're adding in a big window, with three big panes so we'll have a pretty view out to the street and we can keep an eye on anyone hanging out on the front porch :). Okay I realize this doesn't look like a window yet, but it's the framing for it. Come on have an imagination!

Time for a little more demo. The upstairs bathroom! We decided against keeping the old tub in there (dont' worry we're keeping the old tub, we just have to decide what to do with it! We looked up that kind of tub at Lowes and they're over two thousand dollars! So we're not quite ready to part with it yet!). So instead we needed to do a little demo to make room for a new tile shower, not quite as fun to soak in, but much more functional, and most importantly, leaves enough room for a toilet and sink in the world's smallest full bath.
And last but definitely not least, ta da, our new back door! The old one had a funky lock and wasn't in very good shape so we decided to get a new one and once again let our contractor pick it out since it is the back door after all and I think he did a pretty good job!

Next step: tub and walls! Looks like they'll get started with the dry walling right after Christmas. I can't wait!
Score to getting all that gross ivy off! Remember you showing it to me and wondering how you guys were ever going to get it off by yourselves. Ivy is *nasty* on a house. And the new picture window is beautiful.... :o)