Alright so Wednesday afternoon while Spencer was hard at work in the recruiting world, I went with Bob our lovely kitchen designer and shopped for the rest of the things for our kitchen, everything from backsplash accents to the all important kitchen sink. Spencer said I could pick whatever I wanted ~ so I did. Thankfully he liked it all. Ask me about it, and I'll let you see my kitchen in a bag. Ha ha. The places gave us samples of everything so I have little pieces of what my kitchen will look like when it's finished in only a month or so!

The kitchen faucet! Complete with two spray settings and a head with a magnetic catcher (apparently that's a big deal according to the saleswoman ~ I never even new such things existed).

Samples of everything for the kitchen. Bottom right: our lovely cherry cabinets with brandy glazing. I'm so excited about the glass doors we'll have on some of the cabinets. I can finally unpack the wedding china! Bottom left: black granite for the countertops, much improved over the cream laminate in the rent house, remind me to never have that again. Top: subway style tiles for the backsplash, including decorative pieces for above the stove. And last but not least underneath all the other samples is the floor tile we'll be using. Notice the lovely dirt color specs in it. Ha I won't even have to clean :). (Ha okay I know you can probably figure out what is a cabinet sample and what is a granite sample I just thought it was funny to use directions, I'm not insulting your intelligence I promise haha).

Close up of the reddish decorative tile we're using as an accent above the stove. I found out red natural stone is really hard to find! We were trying to find something to go with our exposed brick column in the kitchen and we ended up going with this instead of trying to match it with a slate or a gag!! glass tile. Okay I think glass tile is pretty, just not with everything else in our future kitchen.
And we bought our appliances!! Pictures to come soon . . .
Love the accents and the cabinet wood especially. Very nice.