Saturday, March 8, 2014

The Rain Jacket

He loves his rain jacket.

Although I'm pretty sure we love him wearing it even more.  I mean come on look at those faces?!!

Also, I about died watching them in Lowes together in their matching blue rain jackets.  How cute is that?! Yes I let him crawl on the floor in Lowes . . .

I ran 8 miles yesterday and then realized I had calculated the mileage wrong and ended up over 2 miles from my car and from Ange's house where Noah was chilling so I didn't have to push the stroller.  I was not about to run another 2 miles so I called Spencer and had him come pick me up.

It's a rainy, dreary day here, but Noah has been soundly sleeping for over an hour and half and I'm researching where else to stay in Ireland and what hiking boots I should get for the trip so I really can't complain.

Oh also, I gave up chocolate for lent.  Spencer had to remind me that hot chocolate has chocolate in it.  Last year I didn't give up anything because honestly I was 7 months pregnant and felt like I had given up quite enough already to grow the babe. Mostly I am trying to give up those multiple moments in the week when Blitz has her ball stuck under furniture and Noah is crying on the floor because I shut the dishwasher and he still wanted to play and I really have to go to the bathroom but dinner is already on the stove and requires attention and all I can think is man I think I'll eat a Dove chocolate to feel better.  Instead I'm going to try to think, thank you Jesus for coming to save me from myself.  I need you more than I need Dove chocolate.  We'll see how it goes.

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