Monday, September 16, 2013

Pretty Big Deal

Noah is four months old as of Saturday. We've decided to keep him.  I've also decided this is officially the end of ever telling anyone how many weeks old he is.  We have graduated to half months at least ;).

I can button my skinny jeans.  I also ran a 5k on the treadmill today without stopping.  I seriously thought about stopping but then I put on my awesome MKTO pandora station and gutted through the annoying I hate running feeling that comes a little after you finish mile 2.

Just in case you were worried, my skinny jeans fitting is not the pretty big deal :).

Noah was baptized this Sunday!!!  He already was a covenant babe, but now he has an official church record showing that we know he's already a sinner and that he needs Jesus as much as his parents do and that we resolve to pray with him and for him and dedicate him to the Lord.  Oh and that the whole congregation resolves to help us raise him which is pretty amazing.  He's so loved already and he doesn't even know it.  Also swearing to pray for your baby is a little intimidating.  Good thing we have a whole lifetime to become more diligent.

We sang The Love of Christ is Rich and Free earlier in the service and it kind of blew my mind when thinking about it in the context of baptism and of setting apart our little man for Jesus, so here you go, just in case you needed a reminder of the promise that we are held in his love and always have been.

"The Love of Christ is rich and free; 
Fixed on his own eternally; 
Nor earth, nor hell can it remove; 
long as he lives his own he'll love.

His loving heart engaged to be;
Their everlasting surety;
'Twas love that took their cause in hand;
And love maintains it to the end.

Love cannot from its post withdraw;
Nor death, nor hell, nor sin, nor law;
Can turn this surety's heart away;
He'll love his own till endless day

Love has redeemed his sheep with blood;
And love will bring them save to God;
Love calls them all from death to life;
And love will finish all their strife.

He loves through every changing scene;
Nor aught from him can Zion wean;
Not all the wanderings of her heart;
Can make his love for her depart.

At death beyond the grave we'll sing;
In endless love his own shall prove;
The blazing glories of that love;
Which never shall from them remove;
Which never shall from them remove."

Also, baby suspenders are awesome.

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