Sunday, January 6, 2013

Still Trying to Decide

So I'm still thinking about what I want my 2013 resolutions to be.  This whole baby in May thing is making it a little more confusing to think through what my year might be like and what might be resolutions I could even reasonably try to accomplish.  I'm trying not to set too lofty of goals since I have no idea what being a parent will be like, other than I'm expecting less sleep and more diapers and a totally thrown off daily routine.  Acknowledging it will be crazy is part of the process right?  I'm thinking I need a resolution that's something like go with the flow.  Or be okay with a shorter to do list, or maybe no to do list for the day.   But, those are hard to measure and I like concrete things.  So I'm also thinking things like learn to use bobby pins, try cloth diapering, take my 6 month old to Europe for Thanksgiving.  Okay that one might be a little crazy, but I've been reading about it and "all" the websites say that's a good time to go.  They sleep through the night but they can't crawl off yet :).  I'll keep you posted on what I come with after I do a little more thinking and a little more writing in my journal and probably passing it by Spencer to see if he thinks they are crazy goals to have in our first year as parents, well at least parents of an infant that isn't residing inside me!

In the meantime, here's some proof of the lovely frivolity we had over Christmas break.  Lots of good food, lots of fun talking to family, hearing about life, eating more, playing games, watching British comedy, and did I mention eating?  Oh yeah and watching the hobbit and frequenting coffee shops and dreading having to start a baby registry at some time in the near future.  Sigh.  I guess I should add that to my list of things to do.  Why do babies need so much stuff?!! I'm the only one who feels slightly sick when I think about adding all that stuff to my life?  Okay maybe it's just me that doesn't find it all adorable and awesome haha.   

Spencer being crazy.

His dad being crazy.  Hmm I wonder where he gets it?

 And our new activity for the break: geo caching!!  I thought there was no way we were actually going to find a little film canister somewhere on the railroad tracks near the Katy Trail, but lo and behold there it was!  Under one of the old railroad ties and filled with a list of names of all the other crazies who had found it compliments of their gps systems on their iphones.  Yes we are those yuppies with five dollar lattes trying to find little treasures buried somewhere random.  And we enjoyed ever minute of it.  Well at least till we had to go to the bathroom and couldn't feel our fingers anymore.

Okay we're off to visit some new friends who have a 3 month old german shepherd puppy.  This is going to be bad.  Spencer has to keep reminding me, no puppies, we're having a baby!!  It will be so much better.  Or so they say ;).

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