It's been a long couple of weeks at work. Lots of trying to figure out how to fill the days with useful things.
At our house though we've been busy little bees! Here's just a few of the things we've been up to.
- The back room is almost completely cleaned up! All of Spencer's stuff is out in the garage! It's been two years in the making but I almost have the sun room back to actually use as a sun room! Okay overkill with the exclamation points I know :). All that's left back there is our stacks of stuff our moms have brought us from when we were little, the shop vac (which won't fit in any of the closets - I need to figure out a solution to that because if it goes in the garage I will never vacuum. It's a pretty rare occurence already!), and Blitzy's crate. I'm pretty pumped about figuring out how I want to decorate it.
- Our rose bush is back and in full force. It's in between blooming extravaganzas right now, but a few weeks ago it looked like this and was smelled delicious!
- We've come up with a plan for the backyard. Don't hold your breath. It could be (okay probably will be) years before we get to it all, but it's a pretty sweet design. New fence. New patio. New driveway complete with basketball hoop. Outdoor furniture. Planter boxes. Grill. You get the idea :). We decided to just dream big for now and scale back as necessary. Notice we did refrain from putting an outdoor kitchen complete with mini bar haha.
- We made a new budget. We spent all our food money in 13 days. We decided to clear out our pantry and freezer to avoid going way over the budget (okay we had to go over a little, no food buying for 2 weeks is a little impossible!). It's made for some interesting meals :). So far nothing has been too odd, but definitely some creative side dish choices haha.
- We had mac and cheese for the first time since getting married almost four years ago (wow time flies). Not sure if this is an accomplishment or not haha.
- We're starting to count the days till our beach vacation! Bring on the pina colada and seven days without a computer screen anywhere near my face. Is it weird that I hope they have yoga at the resort? Haha I'm officially addicted. Spencer's okay with it thought, considering it reduces my stress level :).
Haha I'm doing the no-groceries/pantry-only-for-2-weeks thing too! Great minds think alike! Lots of rice and beans and some quinoa... I'm actually on week 3 (though I did buy $20 of fruit/protein yesterday) and it's working out pretty well!
ReplyDeleteThe backyard plan sounds AMAZING! But I definitely say go for the minibar, haha.
The beach sounds awesome... so what is the official countdown??? I'm hoping we have some decent weather when we're on the Irish coast... I need some sun!
I'm glad you're addicted to yoga. And I can't wait to live by you guys someday. I will come over every day and you can make me a pina colada at your mini bar.