Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Yard Work And a Random Question

Okay so Sunday afternoon we decided to start tackling yard work. Okay actually our labors started on Saturday. Spencer went off to Stillwater to get a bunch of plants from his parent's backyard and I headed off to the Tulsa Garden Show to see if I could find any cool plants to add to our already spiraling out of control collection. Seriously last year we only managed to keep alive a jalapeno plant and a habanero plant, I'm not sure how we think we can keep alive 20 or so random plants including to seeding trays full of herbs and peppers, but we're going to try! We're even taking a gardening class the next two weeks to learn all about what grows in Oklahoma :).

So I came home with this! It smells so good and the guy promised me it was an easy one to grow and that I could call him with any questions I had. So we'll see how it goes. It just made me so happy to actually have a rose plant. I've always wanted roses. I'll start with this one and who knows, we have a giant yard :).

So Spencer came back with all kinds of plants, nandinas, red buds, lilies, irises and a bunch of other things I can't remember. We headed to lowes, got another shovel, a bunch of mulch, and some peat moss and then hit the ground running.

Ha he's cuter covered in dirt than me. Plus I couldn't stop sneezing for more than a few seconds at a time. Apparently I picked the prime allergy days to ty and plant things in the yard. I lasted about an hour and a half in the yard and I was done for, so most of this planting is his work not mine, I just supervised ah hem from the couch :).

Lovely nandina. Hopefully one day it will be a big bush!

Make that three big bushes!

Alright and the one part of our landscaping that is already done due to the previous owner. The lovely irises on our front steps. They are gorgeous!

Okay random question of the day: Does anyone else have one rootbeer they like in rootbeer floats and another they like to drink by itself?

I do. Okay I know random, but I was just having a rootbeer float and I really would rather have Barqs rootbeer for the float, but I like drinking A&W rootbeer better.

Okay enough on that note :). If you see no more posts on plants, you'll know we failed haha.


  1. i love the rose. i love it love it love it.
    also the irises... your house looks so pretty and new and cute and hellmanlike. also, on the rootbeer, I'm a barq's girl all the way ;)
    when are you coming back to see me? if I make it to friday (haha so dramatic, i'll be fine) maybe we should talk on the phone...

  2. Oh gosh, totally with you there on the root beer. I'll drink A&W any day. In fact, on our last three road trips, Will and I stopped to get A&W... we are fatties, its true. But in a float I really prefer IBC... don't like to drink IBC on its on though. Haha, I'm putting too much thought into this. I just looked up Root Beer varieties on google images, haha. Your plants are beautiful!

  3. "Buswell" is my new code name for myself... your sister.

  4. Hooray for those irises coming up! They are absolutely spectacular. :o) And I'm so glad you have a rose bush now, too, because it's beautiful as well! :o)
