Spencer, however, is almost finished with the fence! Right now he's putting the finising touches on the side gate (the people gate as we're calling it as opposed to the car gate) and it's awesome. Not only because it means the end of taking Blitzy out on a leash every time she has to go to the bathroom, but also because it is so pretty!! And it totally makes it feel like we actually have a backyard space. And it's not chain link. And it still let's people see in so we don't look like we hate our neighbors. And hopefully Blitz will not try to jump it. And somewhere down the road, when we figure out what gate opener to get, it'll open automatically and we can drive our cars inside the gate and hopefully the neighbor kids won't shoot any more side mirrors with their bb guns.
Check it out!!
Complete with the fancy gate for our cars to go through!
And I wish my iphone took better pictures. Or that I had a digital camera that could adjust for sunlight, oh wait that's right I do, but taking pictures with my iphone is so much easier and I am lazy right now :). There's the handsome handy man himself putting his finishing touches on the people gate. Oh and our garden! Which we had to cover last night because yes up until May 1st frosts really can happen in Oklahoma. Only problem is I think we smashed one of the tomatos with the freeze protection, go figure haha. Good thing the farmer's market is all summer and tomato plants are 2 bucks (I know, I know seeds are so much cheaper, but I tried that and then one day in the Oklahoma wind and they were dead!!)
So while Spencer's been working like crazy to get the fence done I've pretty much been laying on the couch trying to get rid of a really nasty cold/allergy attack/something that doesn't let me breathe out of my nose which is more than a little terrifying when I'm hearing the unofficial countdown in my head till Noah needs to come out and most of the pain coping techniques I've learned for natural childbirth have all revolved around some type of breathing. Which again, I can't do very well right now.
So Spencer told me to take today off to recover, okay he didn't make me but he suggested it and I responded but I don't want to be high maintanence while pregnant and he responded babies take maintanence haha well played. So I stayed home and slept till nine and then moved to the couch and read and journaled. I got up just long enough to heat up some leftovers and then it was back to the couch for a movie. Then off the couch back to bed for a nap. More reading. More sitting. More relaxing. Oh I did manage to make breakfast for dinner for the fence maker and now I'm thinking I might have enough energy to go get ice cream :). People keep asking me if I've had any cravings and I really haven't. I just give in to the normal ice cream cravings way more than I would when I wasn't pregnant :). Okay enough talking about ice cream, time to actually eat some!