Sunday, June 24, 2012

Summer Time in the City

Whew!  Where has June gone?  The last month has been crazy.  Mostly in a good - we took two vacations in three weeks - kind of way :).  Oh and I switched jobs at work and had my birthday and we had our four year anniversary and our dog puked for a day straight and we threw a wedding shower for some friends at church and we had our fridge whack out on us while we were on one of our two vacations which induced all kinds of "I can't throw a shower without a working fridge" freaking out.  Yep it has been a crazy month.

First things first, Spencer got me this sweet watch for my birthday.  Yep, he's pretty awesome.  Four years married to him has been pretty awesome too.  Don't worry I'm not kidding myself it hasn't been awesome every day, but overall I give him an A+.  A+ for helping me be a better person, for stopping me from freaking out as much over the little things (can you say Type A? haha), for being an awesome handyman (I mean come on he rebuilt the garage and built me a window seat and a coffee table and a mantle and a crate and barrell look alike mirror and I'll just stop there before you get too jealous haha), for being a hardworking recruiter (for example he just won a 1000 bucks for knowing his recruiting software better than everyone else at the conference - make that A+ for being a software nerd haha), for being a good friend who's continually getting better at listening and not just trying to fix me, and for being an awesome dancer - he definitely just did some random jig with blitz haha. 

So our last adventure was to Boston. Spencer had a work conference and his coworkers all brought their spouses, so I thought three days to explore boston on my own - heck yes!! 

Check out the view from our window!  And the other side was a view of the harbor, talk about the high life - miller high life that is haha.

We went a day early so we could enjoy a little R&R and a little time away from the office for our anniversary.  So what did we do?  Did you guess it? Yep we ate some yummy food and drank some yummy coffee thanks to some tips from my office mates and Spencer's bro and googling "best lattes in Boston."  Yes I used my company iphone for that one :).

 Us enjoying the famousness that is Mike's Pastry shop.

On to the next venue, the Sam Adams brewery tour!  Okay make that a 20 minute tour with 40 minutes of tasting beer.  Yep life is pretty good around here :).

Okay we're late to a barbecue, I'll leave you guessing on the rest of the pictures for now :).  Happy Sunday evening!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

We're Back!!

Okay I know only one picture is a crime after being on a beautiful beach for a week, but all the pics are on Spencer's phone and I haven't taken the time to import them all onto my computer, so here you go, our happy faces in Riviera May, or actually at the ancient Mayan ruins of Tulum!  And yes we are ridiculous and both have Ray Bans.  Thank Spencer's boss.

We had a really, really relaxing time.  It was beautiful and humid and green and the rooms were nice and spacious and airconditioned and the food was delicious!  So delicious in fact that after a week of wearing bathing suits and gym clothes, trying to fit back into our normal clothes was not so fun, but totally worth it ;). 

Okay so a break down of what we did:

Day 1: sleep in, get up and go to breakfast, lay on the beach, play some killer sand volleyball (guys I blocked a shot for the winning point!!!! and yes i know, i know that means the net was too low, but go with me here!), get a drink from the bartenders walking the beach, go to lunch, lay by the pool, read some good books, go back to the room and take a nap, go to dinner, drink and eat some more, go to sleep

Day 2: got up early to go to yoga (7 am!!!) repeat of day 1

Day 3: decided 7 was way to early for vacation yoga, repeat of day 1

Day 4 and 5: repeat of day 1 and 3, I start to get a little antsy

Day 6: I start to get really antsy

Day 7: drag spencer to Tulum and Playa de Carmen, get harassed by a bunch of mexicans trying to make me buy cheap jewelry, or get a tatoo, or get braids in my hair, or a massage, or anything that would let them take my money!

Day 8: get up early, walk on the beach, say goodbye to the waves, eat and drink some more, get on plane home . . . fast forward a few hours to the Houston airport (okay I had been forewarned it took a long time but still!!).  We wait in a really long line to go through immigrations.  Twice as long as the line for non US citizens!! I thought the point was to have a shorter line ;).  Then we went to get our bags and could only find one of them!  We get more and more frantic as we try to find our bag and the time for our flight to leave gets closer and closer.  At the last minute when all the other bags had come and the conveyer was slowing down our bag finally came out.  Rush through customs.  Get stopped by a lady who says we can't go up the stairs for no reason.  Lady lets us go.  Run up the stairs only to have to wait in another line for another set of security.  Get through security with 20 minutes to go.  We thought we were in the right terminal but our gate was forever far away.  At this point we start running . . . and keep running . . . and keep running.  Finally we get to our gate and get on with just a few minutes to spare!  By this point I'm all sweaty and wheezing haha.  I know pathetic.  I don't think yoga builds up your running muscles ;).  Get home to Tulsa, everyone else's kids are there to greet them and mass chaos insues complete with little Miles running up on top of the conveyer while laughing giddly.

Overall really wonderful trip.  For me to it was perfect timing at work which made it even more amazing. I had nothing to think about work related while I was there.  Instead I could think about what I was reading and about our master plan for the backyard!

Okay book review from the trip (wow I feel like this post is getting really rambly and not really with funny stories haha).  The book The Emotionally Healthy Church is amazing.  Really, really thought provoking.  I think I'll read it again after Spencer finishes it.  The Constant Princess about Henry the VIII's first wife was a fun read plus knowing the ending of the story means it was less stressful of a read ;).  Influence, the Power of Persuasion is weird.  Still trying to figure out what I think of that.  Apparently more people die in car wrecks and airplane crashes after someone famous commits suicide.  So odd. Fast Company, the magazine makes me feel like I have ADD.  Too many things on one page.  HGTV's magazine is awesome plane perusing material. 

So there you go :).  Our trip in a nutshell.  I promise to post more pics next time . . .