- pumpkin spice lattes
- my new found love of soups (haha yes mom I know you told me so, but I still don't like bean soup!!)
- the fact that our garden is still putting out tomatoes and jalapenos and basil and egg plant and even bell peppers! hopefully it wont' freeze before some of them are ready, or maybe i'll just find a recipe for fried green tomatoes :)
-getting to burn the chimnea and sit out on the porch
-wanting to take blitzy for walks again since it's finally nice out again and not 115 degrees haha
-and last but not least, getting to drive with the windows down and the sun roof open and blaring music without feeling totally ridiculous (because let's be honest I still do this when it's 95 out, it's just not nearly as enjoyable haha)
So what do you guys think? Any new found loves during the fall season?
Okay so most of you probably know this by now but we got a new car!!! Which takes the cruising around in the nice weather to a whole new level!! Check out Spencer's new car:
So you should all come visit us and we'll take you for a ride and buy you pumpkin spice lattes and umm make you soup :). Okay enough talk about pumpkin spice lattes I think I'm going to go get one and sit outside and read!